Eerste stap duurzaam varen kan nu al gezet worden met HVO-brandstof

Weer een mooi resultaat vanuit de samenwerking tussen SES en de Stifting foar Elektrysk en Fossylfrij Farren yn Fryslân (SEFFF) : een presentatie over de verschillende mogelijkheden tot duurzaam varen tijdens de ALV van WaterSportVereniging Bergumermeer ; lees meer hierover op

Announcement: BBQ for alumni & students!

Beste Alumnus,

Op 17 juni zal er voor de alumni van werktuigbouwkunde aan de Universiteit Twente een reunie-barbecue worden georganiseerd, samen met huidige werktuigbouwkunde studenten. U bent van harte welkom om een hapje mee te eten en samen met andere alumni en studenten weer eens onder elkaar te komen. Dit evenement zal in samenwerking met de alumni-vereniging Principia en de studievereniging Isaac Newton worden opgezet. De barbecue zal rond 18:00 tot en met 21:00 duren, en vindt plaats achter de Horst. Omdat het helaas nog niet gelukt is de ja-knikker achter de Horst daadwerkelijk olie te laten pompen, zullen er ook nog kosten aan de barbecue verbonden zijn, welke €17,00 per persoon zal zijn. Voor Principia-leden zal een extra korting gelden die na de barbecue verrekend wordt.

Voor meer informatie en inschrijving kan u naar de website van Isaac Newton via de volgende link;

Met vriendelijke groet,
De Principia commissie van W.S.G. Isaac Newton



Dear Alumnus,

On the 17th of June, a reunion-barbecue will be organised for the alumni of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Twente, together will current Mechanical Engineers. You are welcome to grab a bite and come together again with other alumni and students. The event will be organised in collaboration with the alumni-association Principia and the study-association Isaac Newton. The barbecue will take place from 18:00 until 21:00, and will be located behind the Horst, Enschede. Unfortunately, the pumpjack behind the Horst is not able to pump up oil just yet, so there will be some charges associated with the BBQ, that will end up to €17,00 per person. For Principia members there will be an additional discount which will be calculated after the barbecue


For more information and to enrol in the event you can visit the website of W.S.G. Isaac Newton via the following link;


With kind regards,
The Principia committee of W.S.G. Isaac Newton

Experimenteel bepaald Michigan schroef rendement vs. Wageningen B schroef

Bij elektrisch varen is het rendement van de aandrijving cruciaal. Immers, hoe hoger dit rendement, hoe verder je met je accu kunt varen (actieradius). Het aandrijfrendement is het product van het schroefrendement en het rendement van motor plus regelaar. Om inzicht te verkrijgen over deze rendementen is er door enkele leden van Principia Senior Expert Support (SES) een uitgebreid testprogramma uitgevoerd. Daarbij is gebruik gemaakt van de stalen MienSkip sloep van de “Stifting Elektrysk en Fossylfrij Farre Fryslân” (SEFFF), voorzien van een innovatieve naafmotoraandrijving met een 16” x 14” Wageningen B schroef. De gebruikte meetmethoden en de testresultaten zijn beschreven in een rapport met de titel “Innovatieve e-aandrijving voor pleziervaartuigen – Vaartest resultaten en de daaruit bepaalde rendementen”. In dit rapport zijn de gemeten testresultaten vergeleken met door het MARIN gepubliceerde test data voor Wageningen B schroeven. Lees hier het complete verslag:

Vergelijking schroefrendement Michiganschroef en Wageningen B schroef

Verslag principiaprijs 2021

On the 18th of November, it was finally time for a Principia prize again. Innovation Cluster Drachten[1] (ICD), Isaac Newton and Principia worked together to come up with a challenging problem, to find students who wanted to take up the challenge and to give the student groups a place to work on this problem for a day. We managed to gather 36 students who were all willing to work their hardest to come up with the best solution.

The jury, existing of members from ICD and Principia, arrived at 8:30 at the Newton room to look through the programme and the assignment. At 8:45 the contestants arrived and at 9:00 the explanation of the assignment started.

There was a small introduction first, and then the case was explained. This year the case was about the automatization of placing sanding belts onto a CNC belt grinding machine.

After the presentation, the 9 groups had to decide on a team name and then they were off to their separate rooms to start brainstorming. The teams all had been assigned their own room in the Horst tower where they could spend the whole day working out the assignment. Most groups started with some sketches, after which they choose the best solution and started working on the more complicated design features.

While all the groups were working on the assignment, it was also possible for them to ask questions to the jury, via WhatsApp or face-to-face. The jury made a few rounds, visiting each group’s room in the Horst. In addition to just answering questions, a prototype from Stork was also brought in. The contestants were able to take a quick look at it in the morning but the real show was at noon when the prototype had been connected and could be shown working. This was very helpful as it gave some real-life insight for the students.

After the demonstration, it was time for lunch. During lunch, there was a presentation about ICD where they explained the origin and about all the companies of ICD. After this lunch, full of new energy and enlightened with the prototype demonstration, the students headed back to their rooms to finalize their ideas and put them in a presentation.

In the afternoon it was time for the students to show what they had been working on the entire day in a short presentation. The groups explained their thought processes, their final solution and showed some nice sketches or even SolidWorks models of their solutions. Some groups even went the extra mile and came up with a life cycle analysis, cost prediction, moving model, or slogan for their design.

When these presentations were finished, it was up to the jury to decide which group would win the grand prize of €3000. The contestants were judged on things like creativity, quality, feasibility, costs, and the quality of their presentation. After a long discussion, they finally came to a conclusion to tell the eagerly awaiting students. They started with announcing the 2nd price, a beer tasting at the Beiaard, which was for group ‘Oosthorst Top Team’, which had the idea of placing 4 screws in a cylindrical shape. Then finally the 1st place winner was announced to be ‘Het Fundament’, with the idea of also using screws, but placing them in a triangular shape, which fitted exactly over the performer from Stork. They were very happy to have won and gladly accepted their prize.

We thank ICD and Principia for helping us organize such an amazing day!


[1] Innovation Cluster Drachten (ICD) is a cluster of 23 high tech companies in the northern Netherlands. About 1500 FTE of the 4300 employees (45 nationalities) are product- and process innovators in the field of high tech systems. Together they innovate their HIGH TECH Big Five: 3D metal printing, Sensoring & AI, Vision & Deeplearning, Robotics (at customer & factories) and renewable propulsion. They offer internships, design – and master projects for talented Twente students, see their website


Algemene Ledenvergadering

Op donderdag 31 maart vindt de Algemene Leden Vergadering 2022 plaats. De (fysieke) vergadering start om 16.00 uur in gebouw de Horst zaal Z105 (campus Universiteit Twente).

Graag horen we van je of je  bij de ledenvergadering 2022 aanwezig zult zijn! Aanmelden kan via een mail aan Steven Olthof.

De volgende punten staan op de agenda:

  1. Opening door de voorzitter Dorien van de Belt
  2. Mededelingen/vaststelling agenda
  3. Notulen ALV Principia 9 dec ’21 (concept!)
  4. Jaarverslag Principia 2021
    –  Activiteiten overzicht 2021
    –  Financieel Jaarverslag Principia 2021
    –  Budget en realisatie 2021
    –  verslag kascommissie
  5. Benoeming nieuwe kascontrole commissie
  6. Jaarplan 2022
    –  Geplande/uitgevoerde activiteiten
    Budget Principia 2022
  7. Werving nieuwe bestuursleden
  8. Rondvraag
  9. Sluiting

Tijdens de corona-pandemie zijn de ALVs van 2020 en 2021 opgeschoven naar het najaar, maar we willen graag weer de ALV in het voorjaar laten plaats vinden. Vandaar dat de tijdsperiode tussen de vorige ALV en deze zeer kort is.