On the 28th of November the yearly “Principiaprijs”-contest was held. Innovation Cluster Drachten (ICD), Isaac Newton and Principia worked together to come up with a challenging program. This year ICD-member Astron did present a case about their radio-telescope. As a start Astron introduced basis information about their current Radio-telescope (functionality, the current requirements, …). Additionally their question was presented:
how to optimize transport, assembly and sustainability.
During the rest of the day eight student-teams worked very committed to find an out-of-the-box solution. Most teams started with brainstorms on the key-functions. Even “Methodisch Ontwerpen bij van den Kroonenberg” was used. Sketches for working principles were made.
The jury made a few rounds, visiting each group and answering questions. After Lunch concept-solutions were translated to CAD Design and some teams even made simulations. Closing activity for all teams was the final presentation to the jury.
The competing teams were judged on creativity, quality, feasibility, sustainability, costs, and the quality of their presentation. The jury, existing of members from ICD and Principia, had the hard task to decide which group had the best concept and presentation to win the grand prize of €3000,-. The winner was team “Space Case” with the idea of an unfoldable briefcase that contained all components for a complete radio-telescope unit. “Easy to transport and easy to install”.
After the official award-ceremony by Mr. Pragt form Astron the team celebrated their victory in “de kelderbar Diep Zat”.
A good example of the Principia-efforts to build a bridge between the academic technical students at the UT and the real-life-business world.
Report: René Scheltes